Why Do Some Dogs Get Insomnia?

Why Do Some Dogs Get Insomnia?

As dog owners, we’re always monitoring our furry companions in order to make sure that they’re in good health. We all know the frustration that comes from seeing that our pet is not feeling well, and not being able to ask them what’s wrong or provide them with words of comfort.

One condition that can confuse dog owners is insomnia. As humans, we know that we’re prone to bouts of sleeplessness from time to time, and in most cases, we can identify why, whether it’s because we’re stressed out with work or because we’re dealing with some type of pain that’s interfering with our ability to get shuteye. But, with dogs, determining what’s causing the condition can be very difficult.

However, there are ways to treat dog insomnia, and one of the more interesting ones that vets are beginning to promote is CBD administration. This hemp-based compound happens to interact with a dog’s body in the same way that it interacts with our own, and this is because of the fact that dogs, humans and other mammals share an endocannabinoid system that’s responsible for utilizing cannabinoids like CBD to regulate different bodily processes.

If you wanna help your dog regain a healthy sleep schedule, you may want to ask your vet about giving them CBD. We’ll discussing the way in which this plant compound could help your dog sleep normally in more detail.

Insomnia in Dogs

Like humans, dogs may experience bouts of insomnia, ranging from mild and intermittent to chronic and severe. Our sleep cycle is part of a complex process involving neurotransmitters, and it can be disrupted by a number of different factors. Dogs tend to sleep between 12 and 15 hours per day, so if your dog is sleeping less than this amount, you should begin to wonder what’s going on.

Causes for Sleeplessness in Dogs

Now, let’s get into the most common causes for insomnia in dogs.

  • Stress: An extremely common cause for sleeplessness in dogs. This is unsurprising as stress affects us in the same way. When we have something heavy on our mind, or we feel unsafe, it’s very hard to relax and allow ourselves to fall asleep. If your dog feels unsafe for whatever reason, they will have a difficult time reaching the state of relaxation that allows sleep to take place.
  • Depression: Can be another cause for sleeplessness as it throws off the hormonal balance needed in order for a sleep cycle to remain healthy. If your dog has been showing other signs of depression, you may want to consider the ways in which you can make changes that can help minimize this condition.
  • Hunger: A more easily treatable cause can be that your pet simply isn’t getting enough calories. Pets who are hungry will, most often, choose to forego sleep in hopes that they will get more food.
  • Pain: If your dog is in pain, they may find that their sleep is compromised. Of course, this is something that humans can relate to as well. When we’re in pain, our bodies are less likely to allow us to sleep because the pain can be extremely distracting to our natural relaxation instincts that help us drift off at night.
  • An Underlying Illness: Lastly, in some cases, insomnia can be indicative of an underlying illness. For instance, hyperthyroidism can cause your pet to feel hyperactive when they should be feeling sleepy. Other conditions can interfere with sleep as well. Obviously, your vet will need to diagnose any potential underlying conditions.

How Insomnia Can Affect Your Dog

If your dog has insomnia, you may find that they’re more lethargic during the day. This can lead to health problems as dogs need to get exercise on a daily basis in order to remain healthy. Your dog’s mood may also be low because of the fact that they’re very tired.

Treating Your Dog’s Insomnia

Treating a dog’s insomnia first involves determining the underlying cause. For instance, if your dog is simply not sleeping because they’re stressed out over a recent major change, such as moving to a new home, it’s possible that they won’t require any real clinical treatment. If your dog’s insomnia is caused by an anxiety disorder, a vet may wish to treat the anxiety using certain medications.

There are sleep aids specially formulated for dogs, and these are usually prescribed on a case-by-case basis by your vet.

CBD for Dog Insomnia

Many vets are beginning to prescribe CBD to dogs for various ailments including anxiety, arthritis and insomnia. This is because dogs have an endocannabinoid system that efficiently processes CBD and sends it to cannabinoid receptors along the body that

control important processes like sleep cycle, mood, pain levels and more. It turns out that CBD has the potential to improve this condition by directly regulating the production of specific hormones that are involved in the process of sleeping. Additionally, CBD may be able to promote relaxation due to the way in which it interacts with cortisol levels in the brain.

Also, CBD may be able to help with pain that can interfere with sleep.

How to Administer CBD to Your Dog Properly

Now, let’s discuss proper CBD administration when it comes to using this cannabinoid to potentially help your dog sleep more efficiently. First and foremost, you must always speak to your vet before attempting to treat your dog for any condition on your own.

Next, specifically look for a CBD product that’s formulated for dogs. Dogs should not consume CBD products targeted for human use because of the drastic difference in concentration levels of the cannabinoid. Dog-specific CBD products have the right formulation for your dog’s body weight. Besides, some human-specific CBD products may contain ingredients that are safe for humans but unsafe for pets.

We suggest going with a CBD tincture or an edible, as both of these types of products are capable of providing effects for several hours. We also suggest giving CBD to your dog on a daily basis, because it’s believed that this cannabinoid performs most effectively when it accumulates in the body’s endocannabinoid system.

A Potential New Answer Perhaps to Treating a Dog’s Insomnia

If your dog seems to be sleeping less than usual, it’s time to take them to the vet in order to figure out what’s causing their insomnia. And, you may want to talk to your vet about using CBD to treat the issue, once underlying conditions have been ruled out. Just like humans, dogs may benefit from the unique properties of this hemp-derived compound.

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